Pieza genuina de Land Rover


For Land Rover Discovery, Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and others

Número de pieza: LR087503

€809.31 cada

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Descripción del producto:

El propósito del calentador auxiliar Land Rover número de pieza LR087503 es proporcionar calor adicional a la cabina del vehículo y al compartimiento del motor. Es un sistema de calefacción secundario que se puede utilizar junto con el sistema de calefacción principal del vehículo o de forma independiente.

El calentador auxiliar se utiliza normalmente en condiciones de clima frío para ayudar al sistema de calefacción principal del vehículo a calentar la cabina más rápidamente. También se puede utilizar para precalentar la cabina y el compartimento del motor antes de arrancar el vehículo. Esto puede ayudar a reducir el desgaste del motor y mejorar la economía de combustible.

La calefacción auxiliar también se utiliza en algunos modelos Land Rover para proporcionar calor al habitáculo trasero del vehículo. Esto es especialmente útil para vehículos con varias filas de asientos.

Usos habituales del calefactor auxiliar:

  • Calentar el habitáculo y el compartimento del motor antes de arrancar el vehículo.
  • Proporcionar calor adicional a la cabina en condiciones de clima frío.
  • Descongelación de parabrisas y lunas.
  • Aportación de calor al habitáculo trasero del vehículo.

El calentador auxiliar normalmente funciona con el tanque de combustible del vehículo. Se puede activar mediante el sistema de control de clima del vehículo o un interruptor exclusivo del calentador auxiliar.

Estos son algunos de los beneficios de usar el calentador auxiliar:

  • Comodidad mejorada: el calentador auxiliar puede ayudar a calentar la cabina más rápidamente, especialmente en condiciones de clima frío. . Esto puede hacer que el vehículo sea más cómodo para los pasajeros y reducir el riesgo de hipotermia.
  • Reducción del desgaste del motor: precalentar el compartimento del motor antes de arrancar el vehículo puede ayudar a reducir el desgaste del motor. Esto se debe a que el aceite del motor tendrá la oportunidad de circular y calentarse antes de arrancar el motor.
  • Ahorro de combustible mejorado: precalentar el compartimiento del motor también puede ayudar a mejorar el ahorro de combustible. Esto se debe a que el motor no tendrá que trabajar tanto para calentarse cuando se arranque.
  • Mayor seguridad: la calefacción auxiliar puede ayudar a mejorar la seguridad descongelando el parabrisas y las ventanillas más rápidamente. Esto puede ayudar al conductor a ver con mayor claridad y reducir el riesgo de accidentes.

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Este recambio es adecuado para los siguientes modelos:
Discovery 5 (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel], Discovery 5 (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P], Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 DOHC GDI SC V6 Petrol], Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 Diesel 24V DOHC TC], Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Diesel AJ20D6] and 27 other model(s). See Detalles de montaje para más información.

Modelo Subcategoría
Range Rover (2012-2021) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [2.0 Turbo Petrol GTDI] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [3.0 Diesel 24V DOHC TC] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [3.0 I6 Turbo Diesel AJ20D6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [3.0 I6 Turbo Petrol AJ20P6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [3.0 DOHC GDI SC V6 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [4.4 DOHC Diesel V8 DITC] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [5.0 OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover (2012-2021) [5.0 OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,5.0L OHC SGDI NA V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)FROMGA255069,(V)TOHA999999)
Discovery 5 (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components, Solihull Plant Build)(Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Solihull Plant Build, Heater Components)(Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999)
Discovery 5 (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components, Solihull Plant Build)(Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Solihull Plant Build, Heater Components)(Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999)
Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 Diesel 24V DOHC TC] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components, Solihull Plant Build)(Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Solihull Plant Build, Heater Components)(Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999)
Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Diesel AJ20D6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components, Solihull Plant Build)(Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Solihull Plant Build, Heater Components)(Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999)
Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Petrol AJ20P6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components, Solihull Plant Build)(Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Solihull Plant Build, Heater Components)(Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999)
Discovery 5 (2017+) [3.0 DOHC GDI SC V6 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components, Solihull Plant Build)(Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Solihull Plant Build, Heater Components)(Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMHA000001,(V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel AJ21D4] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [3.0 Diesel 24V DOHC TC] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Diesel AJ20D6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Petrol AJ20P6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [3.0 DOHC GDI SC V6 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Velar (2017+) [5.0 OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components)(Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol GTDI] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [3.0 Diesel 24V DOHC TC] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Diesel AJ20D6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [3.0 I6 Turbo Petrol AJ20P6] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [3.0 DOHC GDI SC V6 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [4.4 DOHC Diesel V8 DITC] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)
Range Rover Sport (2014+) [5.0 OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL,Less Auxiliary Coolant Pumps,With Fuel Fired Heater,5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133)((V)TOHA999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Heater Components)(5.0L OHC SGDI SC V8 Petrol - AJ133,Electric Auxiliary Coolant Pump,With Fuel Fired Heater,3.0L DOHC GDI SC V6 PETROL)((V)TOHA999999)

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