Pieza genuina de Land Rover


For Land Rover Discovery Sport, Range Rover Evoque

Número de pieza: LR091369

$370.00 cada

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Descripción del producto:

El número de pieza de Land Rover LR091369 es un quemador para un calentador de combustible. Los calentadores de combustible se utilizan para precalentar el motor y el compartimiento de pasajeros de un vehículo antes de conducirlo. Esto es especialmente útil en climas fríos, ya que puede hacer que el vehículo sea más cómodo y más fácil de arrancar.

El quemador es el componente del calentador de combustible que quema el combustible para producir calor. Es importante mantener el quemador limpio y en buenas condiciones para garantizar que el calentador funcione de manera eficiente y segura.

LR091369 es una pieza original de Land Rover, lo que significa que se fabrica con los mismos altos estándares que las piezas originales utilizadas en los vehículos Land Rover. También es importante tener en cuenta que el mantenimiento de los calentadores de combustible puede ser complejo y peligroso, por lo que siempre es mejor que lo haga un técnico calificado de Land Rover.

Estos son algunos de los beneficios de usar un calentador de combustible:

  • Mayor comodidad: un calentador de combustible puede precalentar el compartimiento de pasajeros de su vehículo antes conduces, haciéndolo más cómodo para ti y tus pasajeros.
  • Arranque más fácil: un calentador de combustible también puede precalentar el motor de su vehículo, lo que facilita el arranque en climas fríos.
  • Ahorro de combustible mejorado: un motor precalentado funcionará de manera más eficiente, lo que puede mejorar el ahorro de combustible de su vehículo.
  • Reducción de emisiones: un motor precalentado también producirá menos emisiones.

Si está considerando instalar un calentador de combustible en su vehículo Land Rover, asegúrese de consultar con un técnico calificado de Land Rover.

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Este recambio es adecuado para los siguientes modelos:
Discovery Sport (2015+) [1.5 I3 Turbo Petrol AJ20P3], Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel AJ21D4], Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel], Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P], Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol GTDI] and 9 other model(s). See Detalles de montaje para más información.

Modelo Subcategoría
Range Rover Evoque (2012-2018) [2.0 Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Halewood (UK),With Fuel Fired Heater,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Changsu (China),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMEG000001)
Range Rover Evoque (2012-2018) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Halewood (UK),With Fuel Fired Heater,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Changsu (China),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMEG000001)
Range Rover Evoque (2012-2018) [2.0 Turbo Petrol GTDI] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Halewood (UK),With Fuel Fired Heater,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Changsu (China),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMEG000001)
Range Rover Evoque (2012-2018) [2.2 Single Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Halewood (UK),With Fuel Fired Heater,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Page B)(Changsu (China),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMEG000001)
Range Rover Evoque (2019+) [1.5 I3 Turbo Petrol AJ20P3] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Itatiaia (Brazil),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Evoque (2019+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Itatiaia (Brazil),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Evoque (2019+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel AJ21D4] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Itatiaia (Brazil),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Range Rover Evoque (2019+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Itatiaia (Brazil),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat With Remote)
Discovery Sport (2015+) [1.5 I3 Turbo Petrol AJ20P3] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)TOKH999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Changsu (China),Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMFG000001)
Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)TOKH999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Changsu (China),Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMFG000001)
Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Diesel AJ21D4] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)TOKH999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Changsu (China),Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMFG000001)
Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol AJ200P] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)TOKH999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Changsu (China),Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMFG000001)
Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.0 Turbo Petrol GTDI] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)TOKH999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Changsu (China),Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMFG000001)
Discovery Sport (2015+) [2.2 Single Turbo Diesel] Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Service Kit, Internal Components)(Halewood (UK),Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)TOKH999999) Auxiliary Fuel Fired Pre-Heater(Internal Components, Service Kit)(Changsu (China),Fuel Heater W/Pk Heat Less Remote,Fuel Fired Heater With Park Heat,With Fuel Fired Heater)((V)FROMFG000001)

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